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Can CBD for Cats Help with Calming?

One of the best benefits of CBD for cats is that it can help calm your cat when they are feeling stressed or anxious. Learn how.

One of the best benefits of CBD for cats is that it can help calm your cat when they are feeling stressed or anxious.

Cats are fascinating creatures with complex personalities. Regardless of breed or age, each cat has its unique behaviors, likes and dislikes, quirks, and habits. And that individuality extends to how cats process and signify when they are feeling stressed out.

Cats are intelligent and sensitive creatures that will most definitely find a way to tell you if they feel stressed – but you need to know what to look for at times. Are you worried your kitty might be experiencing stress? CBD for cats can help with calming your cat down and helping them enjoy themselves and relax. This helpful guide will teach you what signs of stress in cats to look for, what causes them, and how to address them.

What Are the Signs of Stress in Cats and How Can CBD Help?

Some of a cat’s stress signals are similar to those of dogs, but – as any pet parent knows – cats and dogs have different personalities and different needs. Thus, the way dogs communicate their stress won’t necessarily apply to cats, and assuaging a cat’s stress might not be as simple as it can be for dogs. Sometimes, our feline friends can be a little more difficult to analyze and understand than our canine counterparts.

While these are signs of stress in cats, it’s important to interpret stress as a behavior that’s out of the ordinary for your pet. If your kitty is happy and healthy but darts under the couch when someone rings the doorbell, you probably don’t need to be concerned about that behavior as a “sign of stress” in your cat. But if they show sudden or critical signs of stress, consult your veterinarian, as these behaviors can often result from underlying (and serious) health conditions that need addressing right away. While CBD for cats can help calm your cat, it is not a catch-all solution for your cat’s health. CBD for cats is meant to be used as a wellness support tool, not a treatment or medicine.

Since your cat can’t speak to you with words, he or she will find other ways to communicate with you. Some signs of stress in cats will be intentional behaviors, such as hissing, scratching, or hiding. Others will be passive and unintentional physical signs, like weight loss or reduced energy. These physical signs are critical signs of stress that cause concern and should be attended to by your veterinarian without delay.

Here are some signs that might indicate your cat is stressed:


  • Aggression
  • Hiding, pacing, and crouching
  • Changes in bathroom habits
  • Spraying
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss


CBD Can Relax Your Cat So They Are Less Aggressive

Aggressive behavior is your cat’s defense mechanism. Maybe your cat swipes at you with their claws when you touch a sensitive spot, or they hiss and snarl when they see the neighbor's dog. Your cat is sending a distinctive message to you and to other animals with these behaviors. When your cat bites, scratches, or snarls, he or she is telling you, “I don’t feel safe right now. I need help.”

Increased aggression in cats should be taken very seriously, as it can be unsafe for cats and their owners alike. Rather than being upset with your cat for behaving aggressively, try to identify what is causing your pet to feel uncomfortable and address it appropriately. In addition to trying to remove or minimize the cause of your cat’s behavior, you can also add CBD oil for cats to their daily wellness routine to help them stay more calm and relaxed.

Hiding, Pacing, and Cat Crouching Are Stress Signals That CBD Might Help

Hiding in a small, detached space is an extremely common stress response for cats. As smaller creatures, they tend to try to avoid and escape stressful threats rather than face them. A stressed cat might dive under the couch, hide in closets, or retreat to small spaces between furniture when the doorbell rings or they experience another stressful situation like the appearance of the vacuum cleaner.


A cat laying down on a bed as a person grabs it with their hand - Paw CBD


Cats sometimes take on a lowered stance or posture – sort of a crouching position with their belly and shoulders close to the ground – when they feel stressed. This aggressive, on-alert pose is sometimes accompanied by growling or hissing. A nervous cat may express their discomfort by crouching down into a lowered position, and this behavior might even be accompanied by snarling or hissing.

Pacing is a behavior used by many animals, including both cats and dogs, to communicate stress. If your cat is walking back and forth across the room rapidly, retracing their steps, this is a definitive sign of a stressed-out cat. If you notice your cat taking part in these behaviors at random times that don’t seem directly coordinated to a stress trigger that you can eliminate, a calming CBD oil for your cat might help them chill out more so they aren’t as nervous.



Stress Can Cause Changes in Bathroom Habits

If your cat is a religious user of the litter box and suddenly starts going to the bathroom around the house, they might be feeling stressed out. Another behavior common in stressed-out cats is retreating to the litter box and spending too much time there, even using it as a bed. This behavior is very unusual for cats and indicates something is off. CBD for cats might support your cat in relaxing enough to get back to a normal bathroom routine.

Spraying May Indicate Cat Anxiety

Both female and male cats can spray. This behavior is sometimes useful to draw territorial boundaries, but it can also be a stress response in cats. If your cat doesn't typically spray and they start to do so, it might be because of stress in their daily life. It can also be a hormonal change, so it’s important to discuss this with your veterinarian before you introduce CBD for cats for calming.

Lethargy and Disengagement Are Common Feline Responses to Stress

If your cat stops enjoying his or her usual activities or generally becomes unresponsive and inactive, this may be a critical sign of stress or another health issue. If your kitty used to spend all day scaling the cat tower, and now they barely touch it, something is definitely wrong. You need to keep a close eye on your cat's daily habits so you know when things have changed and you can identify signs of cat anxiety. Less activity can also be an indicator that your cat is experiencing physical discomfort, and CBD for cats might help them feel more comfortable so they can experience normal levels of mobility. But, as with any sudden change in your cat’s behavior, a visit to your veterinarian is probably a good idea to make sure there aren’t any underlying health issues that need to be addressed.

Can CBD Help with Weight Loss Caused by Cat Stress?

Unexplained weight loss is a very concerning development for any animal, but especially for cats. Weight loss can be a stress sign for cats and can be very dangerous if not addressed. Your cat's healthy daily diet is an important part of their quality of life, so if your cat experiences dramatic changes that keep them from getting their daily nutrition, they might be feeling stressed out.

CBD for cats can be extremely helpful in calming your cat, which can help with their appetite, but it can also impact their appetite in a more direct manner. CBD for cats impacts your cat’s endocannabinoid system, which in turn affects a number of other bodily systems, including appetite and digestion. Pet parents often report their cats eat more regular meals and maintain a healthier weight when using CBD.

How to Help a Stressed Cat with CBD

Of course, if you start to notice signs of stress in your cat, the first thing you’ll want to know is how you can help your frenzied feline. There are many practical ways to lower the stress level of a cat, including improving your cat’s environment, reducing visitors and movement as much as possible, and adding CBD oil for cats to your pet’s daily routine. Here are our tips for cat stress relief:


  • Understand your cat’s moods
  • Visit the vet often
  • Play with and train your cat
  • Introduce calming cat CBD to their routine
  • Choose the right serving size of CBD oil for cats and increase slowly


Understand Your Cat's Moods

Perhaps one of the most crucial things you can do to reduce your cat's stress levels is understand them. If you know when your cat is in one of their moods, and how they communicate their feelings to you, then you can address the situation swiftly and effectively. You have to know there is a problem in order to fix it!

Understanding your cat's moods is sometimes more difficult than it sounds. Your cat is an ever-changing creature and you have to spend plenty of time with them to understand their behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The more time you spend with your cat, the better you will know how to help tackle their stress. While CBD for cats can help support your cat’s general wellness and calm, you also need to create a safe environment that provides them with comfort and limits stress triggers.

Schedule Regular Veterinary Check-Ups

Keeping your cat's stress levels low will require regular veterinary visits. Cats need to be well acquainted with their doctor so that these visits don't cause stress. Furthermore, your veterinarian will be able to tell you if your cat freaking out is more than just a standard stress response and actually indicates something more serious. Regular veterinary visits help make sure your feline friend is healthy and give you the chance to discuss your concerns with your pet’s vet.

And if your cat is exhibiting any serious behaviors like changes in eating or litter box habits, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian immediately. These can be signs of physical issues that need to be addressed right away. Your veterinarian also might be able to provide some insight on introducing CBD oil for cats into your cat’s daily routine – but keep in mind that veterinarians are limited in what they can say to you about CBD.

Playtime and Training Can Reduce Cat Stress

Many folks think of cats as low-maintenance pets, and for the most part, they are. But your cat still requires daily mental engagement and playtime with you. Cats are incredibly smart, and they need to partake in stimulating activities with regularity.

Playtime can also be a wonderful way to distract your stressed-out cat and bring them back to a place of stasis and comfort. If you notice your cat displaying stress signs, grab the laser pointer for a game of chase or get them interested in a crinkle ball by rolling it across the room. Don't expect your cat to play with their toys just because they are available. Be engaged and initiate a specific game to spark their natural instincts and play their stress away!

Training your cat can also be like playtime, but with more treats! By training your cat clearly on certain routines, like the litter box and expectations on when you have playtime or meals, you can help them avoid stress. A well-trained cat has more self control and a better understanding of their daily schedule. A yummy CBD cat treat makes a great reward after a successful training session.

Introduce Calming Cat CBD to a Healthy Routine

Get into healthy habits with your cat, including consistent meals of high-quality pet food and daily exercise and play for mental stimulation. Your pet’s health should be viewed holistically – each piece is important, and if one part is out of order, it might cause stress. A healthy routine also includes regular visits to the veterinarian, and for your cat’s best chance at success, a proper routine probably includes CBD oil for cats.


A cat putting it's nose on kidney support chews 150 mg salmon - Paw CBD


CBD for cats can be a wonderful support tool for maintaining your pet’s happiness and well-being. Consider introducing CBD for cats to the daily routine to ensure your cat stays calm and centered. With choices like chicken and catnip-flavored CBD soft chews for cats or salmon-flavored CBD cat treats with kidney support ingredients, you’re sure to find your feline’s favorite!

Add CBD for Cats in the Right Amounts and Be Patient

Appropriate dosage is hugely important when using CBD oil to calm cats. Start with the smallest recommended amount and wait 30 days to allow the CBD to accumulate in your cat’s system. If you aren’t seeing a more relaxed, chilled-out kitty within 30 days, consider increasing the dosage and maintaining that amount for 30 more days. Increase incrementally as needed until you’re seeing your cat experience the calming benefits of CBD.

Create a Peaceful, Relaxed Life for Your Cat with Cat CBD Oil

Ultimately, determining if your cat is stressed out is going to be an equation involving many factors: their typical behavior and routine, how that may have changed, and your interpretation of it all as their closest and most caring buddy. Calming CBD products for cats can be an amazing addition to your cat's daily wellness routine. Our CBD cat calming tincture includes calming ingredients like valerian, passion flower, and lemon balm. By establishing these relaxation pillars in your cat's daily life, you give them the best chance to thrive and live stress-free.

With your veterinarian’s help, there are many ways to help stressed cats return to a life of normalcy and joy. CBD oil for cats can support your pet’s health maintenance, along with a proper diet, plenty of activity, and as much affection as they are willing to receive!